Last Updated: June 4, 2024By Categories:

Material, building, and site clearance

Clearance refers to the releasing of radioactive materials and movable objects, buildings, ground areas, facilities, or parts of facilities (material, building, and site clearance) from the regulatory scope of the atomic energy and radiation protection legislation. The aim is to comply with legal limits to protect the population using suitable measurement technology. Safetec provides comprehensive support for nuclear facilities throughout the entire clearance procedure – from initial dismantling projects through to greenfield development.

Our services:

  • Preparation of execution instructions
  • Sampling sites and sample analysis
  • Radiological characterizations
  • Calibration of the measuring instruments
  • Conducting of “decision measurements” with the clearance measurement system and in-situ gamma spectrometry
  • Preparation of clearance documentation and test reports
  • Clearance of more than 17,000 tons of metal/plastic/concrete
  • Clearance of 54,000 m² room surface area
  • Approx. 700 clearance documents prepared

We also coordinate the work flows and processes in the areas of sampling, clearance measurement, and documentation, and deal with technical coordination, such as passing on and explaining boundary conditions from the clearance procedure for work packages of other specialist departments and holding coordination meetings with experts and authorities.

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