Last Updated: April 25, 2024By Categories:

Entsorgungswerk für Nuklearanlagen (EWN)

Final storage documentation is a prerequisite for storing radioactive waste in the Konrad repository. Safetec’s nuclear planning and engineering services make a significant contribution to achieving the goal of final storage for radioactive waste with negligible heat generation at KTE. In addition to preparing final storage documentation, our main tasks include checking waste for necessary product control measures and preparing declaration and nuclide vector reports.

The annual key figures for the project are as follows:

  • Preparation of waste product documentation for over 2500 drums
  • Preparation of documentation for over 40 waste containers
  • Review of radiological product control measures for over 1000 drums
  • Preparation of over 10 (post-)declaration and nuclide vector reports

Our services:

  • Preparation of final storage documentation for low and intermediate-level radioactive waste in accordance with the Konrad final storage requirements
  • Radiological and material description of low and intermediate level radioactive waste
  • Completeness and plausibility check of operational documents for final storage documentation
  • Review of the conditioning measures carried out according to the schedule (e.g. high-pressure compaction, incineration, cementing) and, if necessary, initiation of further product control measures
  • Compilation of product control measures with regard to classification in suitable waste product groups
  • Preparation of nuclide vectors, declaration regulations, and accompanying documents
  • Activity calculation (incl. MicroShield) and subsequent declaration
  • Evaluation and analysis of various measurements (e.g. clearance measurement system measurements, gamma and neutron measurements, gas analyses, LSC measurements)
  • Working with databases (KADABRA – Karlsruhe Database for Radioactive Wastes) to track residual materials for radioactive waste
  • Introduction and application of the NWL platform (Nuclear Waste Logistics)
  • Dealing and communicating with authorities and experts

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