Last Updated: April 25, 2024By Categories:

Applied special nuclide analysis for the disposal and clearance of a laboratory room including inventory

The aim of this project was to clear a laboratory room for reuse in accordance with the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) and to clear or dispose of the items stored there (contaminated laboratory equipment, chemicals, other waste). The operating history was not fully known; the most recent waste dated from 2012, the oldest from the 1950s/60s. A particular challenge was the lack of infrastructure and the unknown (nuclide) inventory of the laboratory room. An airlock zone and a radiation protection zone with mobile room air monitoring therefore had to be established. Safetec acted as the external radiation protection officer for the project.

In addition to salvaging, sorting, and waste preconditioning for transport or delivery to the relevant state collection center, the project included chemical and radiological characterization of the waste using special nuclide analysis, gamma spectrometry, surface contamination measurements, and wipe tests.

Approximately 350 kg of waste with a total nuclide inventory of 1.8E+08 Bq was comprehensively analyzed and preconditioned for disposal. A total of 29 different nuclides were identified and quantified through analyses and the correlation of non-measurable nuclides. In addition, clearance in accordance with Section 35 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) (2018) was obtained for 27 items and 30 l of liquids. After removing all items, the room and its fixed installations were decontaminated and examined using a surface contamination monitor and wipe test. The room was successfully cleared for reuse after evaluation of the data.

The project was carried out in close cooperation with the client and the responsible authority, leading to the best possible result.

Our services:

  • Clearance and disposal of various items (laboratory equipment, chemicals, other)
  • Working with a lack of infrastructure
  • Setup of an airlock zone, radiation protection zone, and mobile ambient air monitoring
  • Assumption of activities and responsibilities as external radiation protection officer for the client
  • Radiological and chemical characterization of items and chemicals (special nuclide analysis, gamma spectrometry, surface contamination measurements, wipe tests)
  • Sorting, packaging, and preconditioning of contaminated items for delivery to the state collection center
  • Clearance of various
  • Organization of radioactive transports
  • Clearance of a laboratory room for reuse in accordance with Section 35 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) (2018)