Last Updated: June 4, 2024By Categories:

Our Software SIStec 2.0

SIStec is an in-house software development for improving the material clearance process with a clearance measurement system. Simple, intuitive handling and the approved software for measured material calibration considerably simplify operations. The use of an imaging method eliminates the need for conservative assumptions about activity distribution. This, along with complete statistical analysis according to DIN EN ISO 11929 and virtual subdivision of the measured material, allows proof of clearance readiness for a larger number of measured materials. SIStec therefore means that a larger amount of material can be returned to the recycling loop.

Our services:

  • Simple operation
  • Approved software development to support the clearance of measured materials using a clearance measurement system
  • Imaging method for hot spot localization opens up new possibilities in the clearance process
  • Virtual subdivision of measured materials
  • Semi-automatic, fast measurement execution

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