Last Updated: April 25, 2024By Categories:

Clearance consulting services at Lingen nuclear power plant

NCI provided a wide range of planning and project coordination services as part of the clearance projects at Lingen nuclear power plant. This included the qualification of measurement geometries (ISOCS) and the preparation of instructions on various clearance aspects, e.g. preliminary examinations, calculation of extrapolation factors and nuclide vectors, the preparation of reports on findings, and clearance documentation. Other services included technical support for the operator in technical discussions with the relevant experts.

Material flows and nuclide vectors were analyzed with regard to clearance readiness. The findings were presented in a concept and a directive, and finalized in technical discussions. This ultimately resulted in the establishment of a clearance process (pre-processing of materials and packaging concept).

The existing framework conditions for measurement technology and processing were met with the help of measurement instructions and favorable geometries.

Our services:

  • Clearance consulting
  • Concept development and preparation of work instructions as part of the clearance process at Lingen nuclear power plant
  • Analysis of material flows and nuclide vectors for clearance readiness
  • Qualification of measuring geometries (ISOCS)
  • Support in technical discussions