Last Updated: April 25, 2024By Categories:

Radiation protection abroad

In these projects, we are responsible for releasing the workstations in accordance with the radiation protection requirements (workstation clearance). Our services also include the monitoring of all radiation protection-related work in the controlled area using measuring and monitoring devices. We draw up work flow plans with corresponding dose estimates (workplace monitoring). We are responsible for carrying out control measurements at the workplace to monitor dose rate and surface contamination (workplace preparation), and for routine work and monitoring access to the controlled area.

Our services:

  • Experience with practical radiation protection in plant rooms
  • Experience with practical radiation protection for steam generators
  • Experience with practical radiation protection for reactor coolant pumps
  • Experience with practical radiation protection in the annular space between the pressure vessel and the reactor core
  • Experience with practical radiation protection at the reactor pool
  • Experience with practical radiation protection in the control room

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